FAQ: Questions we hear all the time…
[accordion_content title=”Why are your prices so much lower?”]When I was fitting hearing aids for other companies, more than half of the people who came in couldn’t afford the hearing aids they needed, so I decided that when I owned my own hearing aid business I would find a way to make hearing aids affordable. We created the business with lower overhead, smarter, more cost effective marketing and a cost-plus pricing structure. We don’t scrimp on testing or fitting technology, nor on the quality of our Hearing Aids, but we have negotiated some great pricing. We are happy to make less per sale and make up the difference in volume.[/accordion_content]
[accordion_content title=”Are you an On-Line business, do you sell On-Line?”]We list our prices on-line, but we don’t sell online because we don’t believe you will get the full value of your purchase without face to face fitting and follow-up.[/accordion_content]
[accordion_content title=”Are you selling used or refurbished Hearing Aids?”]Absolutely not, all our Hearing Aids are brand new, with the full manufacturers warranty.[/accordion_content]
[accordion_content title=”Would you please explain Bundled vs. Un-Bundled pricing?”]Gladly. Most Hearing Aid Dispensers present you with one price as a package [/accordion_content]
[accordion_content title=”FAQ: Question 5″]Nam enim risus, molestie et, porta ac, aliquam ac, risus. Quisque lobortis.Phasellus pellentesque purus in massa. Aenean in pede. Phasellus ac liberoac tellus pellentesque semper. Sed ac felis. Sed commodo, magna uislacinia ornare, quam ante aliquam nisi, eu iaculis leo purus venenatis dui.[/accordion_content]