August 4, 2022

Tipp City, OH

Are you or a loved one struggling with hearing loss?
Are you missing out on conversations, turning the Television up?
Have you found yourself avoiding some social events or withdrawing from conversations?

Affordable Hearing Store is here to provide you with more affordable and discreet hearing aids.

Price and quality are a big factor when investing in hearing aids.
We sell the exact same hearing aids as companies charging two or three times our price.

My personal experience with hearing aids came at age of 16 years old, due to hearing loss that was discovered at age 6.
I have been coaching and fitting hearing aids for thousands of satisfied customers since 2013.
I take pride and interest for those with hearing loss, and I am here to help.

We accept insurances and your Medicare Advantage hearing benefits.

Affordable Hearing Store
423 West Main Street #1
Tipp City, Ohio 45371

(Inside: Valley Health Center)

Phone number 937-834-4225



Tipp City, Ohio

(937) 834-4225

Tipp City office is moving to a new location.

Effective October 1, 2023

Our new Tipp City office address is:

1420 W. Main Street

Tipp City, Ohio 45371

Located in the Wave Title Building

(1/2 mile west on SR 571 from I-75 on left hand side)

See You There!